“Robert Landau has been photographing his native Los Angeles for upwards of fifty years, and has never lost touch with the childlike wonder his hometown so readily inspires. A city of images and façades, cheap imitations and grand homages, L.A. rightfully deserves its global reputation as the capital of artifice (Las Vegas be damned), and has made such an art of its artifice for such a long time that – especially in the age of the virtual -- its false fronts now seem as real as anything. A sign is a portal. A mural is an alternate reality. Nothing is merely fake; it’s all fabulously fabricated.
This is the Los Angeles Landau has captured time and again as he aims his cameras at the landscape and townscape around him. This work, tracing various aspects of L.A.’s unique inventiveness, finds art everywhere, of every kind at every level. And the art it finds is bold, distinctive, self-parodying but unself-conscious, in other words, genuine – for all its illusion – and joyous.”
— Peter Frank, Art Critic and Curator